
Nursery Care

The nursery will be open on Sundays from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. September thru May, and for other church events as published.

The nursery is available for children through age three during the Christian Education hour, 10–11 a.m., and through age 4 during the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. We are staffed by experienced caregivers and have a pager system that will notify you if you need to return to the nursery. The nursery is located on Level A. Look for the signs directing you to the room.

“Let the little children come to me,
and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these
that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
—Matthew 19:14

Frequently asked questions

Where is the nursery located?

The nursery is located on Level A (the classroom level), in what is known by Beginnings students during the week as the Yellow room. If you take the stairs or elevator to Level A, there are signs posted on Sundays directing you to the room. Stop in any Sunday and visit!

When is the nursery open?

We are open from 8:45 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., while parents and caregivers go to formation classes, sing in the choir, or attend services. Within that time, you are welcome to and go as you like, and pick your child up at whatever time suits your needs. Many parents pick up midway through the service so their children can be present for Communion.

Who can stay in the nursery?

The nursery is open to children up to age 3. During the 9 and 11 o’clock services, 4-year-olds are welcome to stay. For safety reasons, as we primarily have infants and toddlers in our care, the nursery is not equipped for children ages 5 and up.

Can we visit before I leave my child in the nursery for the first time?

Especially if you are new to the nursery, parents/guardians and their children are always welcome to visit, see the room, and meet the caregivers.

How is the nursery staffed?

We have three primary caregivers, all of whom have worked in the nursery for over a year. (Find out more about them in upcoming months!) There are also three regular substitutes. Everyone who works in the nursery at any time has clearances to work with children (PA criminal record check, child abuse history clearance, and FBI background check), and has completed Safeguarding training. They are paid for their time, and participate in in-service training at the start of the year.

Do I have to bring my child to the nursery?

There is no obligation to bring your child to the nursery—it is there to meet your needs. All people are welcome to attend services at Calvary Church, regardless of age. That includes your child! That being said, we are always as happy to meet new friends as we are to greet returning ones.

What if something happens while my child is in the nursery?

Each parent/guardian that brings a child to the nursery receives a pager. They are a bit old school, but they are great for getting in touch quickly! A nursery caregiver will page you if there is any need for you to return to the room.

Do I need to sign up?

You don’t need to sign up beforehand. The first time you bring your child to the nursery, you will be asked to fill out a registration sheet with some basic information about your child. These are kept on file securely and the information is only shared with the nursery staff.

What if I have more questions?

We’d love to hear them and answer them! Please contact Vicki Rispoli, Director of Children’s Formation.