Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Visitors are lay members of the congregation who have completed a training program to deliver Holy Communion to persons who are unable to attend regularly scheduled services due to illness, injury or similar circumstances. Visits by Eucharistic Visitors from Calvary Church are typically arranged for the third Sunday in the month except for December and the month in which Easter falls when communion is provided by the clergy. Requests for the services of a Eucharistic Visitor should be communicated to the Reverend Cameron Soulis ( no later than the Wednesday preceding a third Sunday.
calvary cares
The Pastoral Care Committee is a resource to support members of the Calvary community who are experiencing a time of special need and to support the loved ones who are caring for them. Such support might include transportation, assistance with shopping and meals, and access to church services and other church activities. The committee also serves as a source of information regarding other community organizations that may be helpful. Persons interested in volunteering to help or individuals who wish to request assistance for themselves or another member of the Calvary community should contact Michele Bender ( or the Reverend Cameron Soulis (
Flower delivery
Each Sunday following our 11 o’clock service, the altar flowers are divided into smaller bouquets and delivered to parishioners who have had some special event occur in their life that week. Illness, the birth of a child, marriage or the death of a loved one are among the many reasons why someone is chosen to receive altar flowers. Persons interested in volunteering to participate in this very special ministry are encouraged to contact Judie Compher ( or Bonnie Weiss (, co-chairs of the Altar Flower Delivery. Persons who wish to suggest a recipient of altar flowers are asked to contact Kim Pieratt, Parish Administrator (
The Soup Group
Volunteers meet monthly in Calvary’s kitchen to make soup for Calvary’s freezer. Soup can also be made at home. The soup is available to be delivered to those who are sick or recuperating. This enables our clergy and others to take a container of soup when visiting a parishioner, friend, or family member. For more information, contact Adele Eley (
The Pastoral Care Committee recognizes the need for spiritual sustenance in the long journey of being a care giver. The Committee has provided a compendium of collects, psalms and meditations for members of the parish who are confronting “thirty-six hour days” every day of their lives. Knowing the need for caregivers to care for themselves in order to be available for others, we hope the Compendium for Caregivers will enrich the time that caregivers take for themselves daily, to strengthen themselves for the work that God has called them to do. The Compendium is available on line HERE or by contacting the Reverend Cameron Soulis (
Pastoral Care Contacts
All members of the Calvary clergy are available to deal with Pastoral Care issues.
The Reverend Cameron J. Soulis ( is the Associate Rector and is responsible for Pastoral Care.