If you are interested in any of these programs,
please contact
the Reverend Cameron J. Soulis.


Being an acolyte is a wonderful way to share in a ministry and deepen one’s understanding of the Episcopal faith and practices. Beginning in the 3rd grade, children are encouraged to become acolytes. Acolytes light the candles, process with clergy, facilitate the reading of the Gospel and help with other service functions.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the altar and sacred vessels, sets out the wine and wafers and lays out the vestments for the clergy. A member of the Altar Guild also cares for the communion vessels and the clergy’s vestments after the service. Training and a pictorial manual are available for those who serve on the Altar Guild Teams.


The Adult Choir consists of about 60 volunteers, anchored by a quartet of professional singers. Rehearsals are on Thursday nights. The choir sings in additional services and concerts about once per month and travels occasionally to sing in other churches.

Membership in the choirs is open to parishioners and members of the wider community, and new members are always welcome, by audition. Please contact Dr. Alan Lewis, Director of Music, for information.

Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers

Lectors read the Old Testament and Epistle scripture passages appointed for the day and the Prayers of the People. Chalice bearer administers the wine during services of Holy Communion.


Named after the staff, or verge, they carry, vergers lead participants in services as they move about the church and aid in keeping the service flowing smoothly.


Usually the first parishioners to greet newcomers and other worshippers, ushers are also an important part of Calvary’s Outreach program. They distribute service bulletins, assist newcomers, answer questions, collect the offering and secure it, and guide worshipers during the administration of the Eucharist.