Join us for worship: Sundays at 8:00, 9:00, and 11:00 a.m.

‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?’

‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.
— Matthew 25:44-45

Jesus calls us to reach out to the world in love in imitation of his ministry among us. Calvary reaches out the community in a variety of ways and encourages each member to get involved in these important ministries.


East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM)

East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) is a large regional service organization whose mission is to build a community of opportunity in the East End. Calvary is one of more than 50 communities of faith supporting the ministry’s programs. Among the things Calvary parishioners do is provide a Men’s Shelter Dinner once a month and collect non-perishable food items for the Food Bank.

Calvary-Lincoln After School Program (CLASP)

Calvary/Lincoln After School Program (CLASP) is an arts enrichment program offered by Calvary for elementary school children by providing funding, space, backpacks and supplies, snacks and drinks. Calvary members also serve on the CLASP Committee.

PENNSYLVANIA Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN)

Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN) works for social justice on such issues as health care reform, civil rights, labor activism, transportation equity and anti-violence.

Off the Floor

Off the Floor is a multi-denominational organization which moves furniture from homes of donors to apartments and houses of families without furniture.

The Calvary Bookstore

The Calvary Bookstore’s mission is to serve the parish and provide outreach to the wider community as we navigate our spiritual journey and live out our faith. Located in the reception area, the Bookstore offers inspirational and theological books for adults and children, Bibles, prayer books, hymnals, CDs, jewelry and crosses, as well as other religious gift items.

Ministry of Space

Calvary is home to approximately 40 separate groups who use our facility to conduct their own special ministries such as individual support group organizations like AA and neighborhood enhancing groups like the Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council. The majority of these groups meet at Calvary “free of charge” as part of Calvary’s outreach to the community.