Sunday Mornings at Calvary

8 a.m. — Holy Eucharist(Rite II): A said service of Holy Communion using contemporary language in the Chapel. (About an 45 minutes in duration)

9 a.m. — Holy Eucharist(Rite II): A service of Holy Communion using contemporary language in the Church with music lead by a cantor and congregational hymns. (About an hour in duration)

10 a.m. — Christian Formation for All Ages

11 a.m. — Holy Eucharist(Rite II): A service of Holy Communion using contemporary language in the Church with music for choir, organ, and congregation. (About an hour in duration)


Getting Here

The church is located at 315 Shady Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15206.

The church parking lot is accessible from Shady Avenue at Alder Street.

There are designated handicap and visitor spots near the doors to the church office.

The main doors of the church are located at Shady and Walnut. For those who prefer to use a ramp, there is one on the north side of the church. For those who prefer to use an elevator, enter through the doors to the office from the parking lot. The elevator will be to the left.

There are bike racks in front of the church offices near the main doors off the parking lot.